Instructional Technology Coaching

“Create a learning experience.”


Learn how to use technology to engage students across modalities.

Instructors retain students by creating an environment which stimulates curiosity and promotes collaboration. While students may not take time to attend a lecture, they will make time to engage in a new experience.

Dynamic course design and innovative activities help students develop competitive, creative, and rhetorical skills. Move students out of their comfort zones by teaching them to use technology in meaningful ways.

Contact ITC to schedule an individual coaching session or group workshop. ITC offers beginning to advanced-level training on numerous platform tools.

Instructional Technology Coach

Carissa Gray is a former associate professor of English and former department chair of English, Arts, and Humanities. Having served in higher education for twenty years, she is committed to accessible education and student success. She founded ITC to train faculty in best practices in instructional technology.

Innovative Techniques to Engage Phygitals

Explore how instructors can incorporate new media while maintaining traditional academic rigor. Ultimately, when instructors blend physical experiences with digital ones, phygitals may engage in course content.
